Thursday, October 25, 2012

"A" is for Apple

          As I have mentioned before I am not the most organized person. I admire people with "to-do" lists and structure but that just isn't me at all.  However, I am trying to be more intentional with setting up learning activities with Brooklynne. So, I have began to make super simple "lesson plans" for her.
         Last week we learned about apples.  Normally, I like to find a book that corresponds with what we are learning about.  Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it to the library.  We had great time despite that though and I thought I would share a few of the projects Brooklynne made.
       This project was so much fun and super simple.  I bought plenty of apples this week so I just took one of them and sliced it in half.  Then I put some red paint on a paper plate and helped Brooklynne stamp the apple on paper.  She was loving the project until she realized she couldn't eat the apple...good thing I still had the other half ;)
          Another day I drew a simple tree on a piece of paper and Brooklynne painted green with a paint brush and a sponge after breakfast one morning.  When she woke up I had ten apples cut out and numbered.  I put a little glue on the back and we put the apples on the tree.  The part she enjoyed most was counting the apples when we were done. When we count she repeats "two" over and over and it melts my heart.

     This last project was definitely Brooklynne's favorite.  I saw this idea on Pinterest where they used a butterfly instead.  For this project I cut out the outline of an apple and put contact paper on it.  Then I let Brooklynne stick red squares all over it then peel it off and do it all over again.  This project held her attention the longest and as you can see from the picture she was very into it.  When she was done I sealed it with contact paper. 
      This week we are learning about fall!  I'll be sure and share our projects with you next week!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Fall dress

    Yesterday I shared some pictures from our annual pumpkin patch trip.  Today I thought I would share a little bit about the dress Miss Brooklynne wore.  The morning of our trip I decided that Brooklynne didn't have anything that remotely looked like fall, well nothing that she could wear in 90 degree weather!  So I decided to whip up a cute little dress out of some fabric that I've had for about a year.
     The corduroy is so soft and plush.  I also love the floral design and whimsical print.

     This dress was a breeze to put together!  Just two pieces sewn together at the sides and a bit of elastic at the neck.  Hem up the sleeves and bottom and you've got yourself a darling little dress, perfect for a trip to pick some pumpkins!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

       Every year my family and I go to the pumpkin patch, it is one of the things I look forward to most when fall approaches.  I use the term "fall" very loosely as most of our trips involve tank tops, flip flops and sweating by the end of our trip.  But this is what we know and what we love.  
        This year did not disappoint!  It was so fun watching Brooklynne and her cousins search for the perfect pumpkin and pet the goats and other animals at the petting zoo.  I treasure these memories and traditions that our little family has started.

       These little ladies are the sweetest together!  It is so much fun to watch them grow and their relationship develop.  Now when Brooklynne sees pictures of her sweet little cousin she shouts "ANNA!"  It is just amazing the love that they have for each other.


Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Gift for Harper

           This past February, a coworker and friend of mine had an adorable baby girl.  She named her Harper and she has the most beautiful blue eyes.  Seriously, I think I comment on her baby blues every time I see the child! 
           Natalie, my coworker, had a baby shower last year sometime and I always like to give something handmade as well as practical gifts when it comes to baby showers.  There is just something so special about sitting and using your hands to create something for a child that isn't even here yet.  Picturing who the child will look like and thinking about what their personality will be like is inevitable when you are sitting and knitting a blanket or sewing an outfit or in this case crocheting a cute little hat.
              I decided on a little owl hat.  This was very simple to crochet and a lot of fun.  I love the button embellishments for the eyes and the way the wise old owl's ears stand up.  Luckily, with fall approaching, this hat is now the perfect size for sweet Harper.  Here's a couple of pictures of her modeling her little beanie just to melt your heart.
Thanks for reading!


Monday, September 17, 2012


      Well hello there!  It has been quite awhile since my last post.  We have been pretty busy as usual but I wouldn't have it any other way.  I'm sitting here next to my 20 month old who is fighting a cold that is letting me cuddle her more than I have been able to in weeks and my incredible husband who loves me just the way that I am.  Life isn't perfect and I don't understand a lot of things going on in our lives but honestly with all the frustrations I wouldn't change anything; well except that pesky little cold ;)
       I haven't been able to be at my sewing machine and I don't have anything on my knitting needles but that is okay.  This is a season in my life where I am figuring it all out.  I have never been good with time management and throwing a husband and toddler into the mix is challenging me even more but I will enjoy this time and am determined to learn from this.
        Since we are getting so personal here I feel that I should just be completely transparent.  I've been having some pretty tough days.  Jared and I have been trying for another baby.  There I said it, it's out there.  This is no secret to my family but to friends and people that I am not too close to I usually will make a joke when the topic of more children comes up.  I know that it will happen and I know that there will be moments when I have another little babe in the house when I will have a moment of "what was I thinking" but somedays my optimism fades a little. And I have the horrible thoughts of "what ifs" and "why is it so hard for us".
       So why be so open?  To be honest it doesn't make me feel any better right now just insecure.  However, I know I will look back on this and be reminded of God's love.  I will remember the arms of my heavenly father around me in my darker moments and know that he will always take care of me.  See, as humans it is so easy for us to think we know what is best or the right time for something but I'm learning (slowly) that I just don't know it all.  I know that is shocking, right?  hehe
        I know I could just write this in a journal never to be seen by anyone else's eyes but maybe one day someone will come across this and it will help them.  I know there is no big revelation here and I'm sure that my writing and bad grammar won't change anyone's life but this is honest and raw.  My heart.  It is so easy to read blogs and look at facebook statuses and Instagram pictures (all things that I love) and get this picture perfect idea of someone's life; I have been guilty of this in the past.  People don't share the hard,difficult times and that's okay; but I am.  I want this place to be honest.  To truly experience joy we all go through some pain.
         Thanks for reading and even though I won't apologize for this post I promise that they won't all have this tone.  I have some craft fall projects floating around in my head that I'm dying to share!


Monday, July 9, 2012

Anna's Dream Catcher

        A couple of months ago my sweet niece Anna turned one.  She is such a beautiful little girl and I love that she and Brooklynne are so close in age and get to grow up together.  I always think that if Brooklynne doesn't have a sister close in age then she will have her cousin Anna and that will be close enough.
       For Anna's first birthday celebration her parents decided to go with an Indian theme party.  It was complete with mini tepee cupcakes, drum circles and head dresses.  I was thinking of something special that I wanted to make for her to remember her first birthday and I immediately thought of a dream catcher.  Of course I am only now finishing it due to my severe procrastination disorder but I thought I would share it here. This is a really simple project and you could really do whatever you like.  I decided to add beads and feather but possibilities are endless.
        For this project I used yarn, a metal ring, beads, feathers and a bit of suede.  I crocheted a granny square, you can use any design that you would like. Then I took the four corners of the square and separated them equally around the ring and secured it by using yarn. I continued to pull and secure the granny square until it was all pulled tight and I was happy with it.  Then I just wrapped the ring with yarn to hide all of my little knots holding my granny square in place.  Next I let it sit for a couple of months(but you can skip this step).  Then I just added all of the feathers and beads.  This part was the most fun. I went to my local craft store and got what appealed to me.  Try using different textures and tying knots if you are going for a bohemian feel.  
       Remember to add a small loop to the top so you can hang the dream catcher and just have fun with it!  There is no wrong way to do it!  This was one of the most fun projects that I have done in a while because there were no rules and I could just be free.
       One last step, but this one is the easiest, hang and enjoy!  

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Bow Dress

       Last month I participated in an Art Walk that we have in my town during the summer.  It was a ton of fun and the first time that I ever have done anything like that.  I had about two weeks to sew as many dresses as I could,  and I sewed my heart out!  I wanted to share a few of the dresses that I still have that will be in my shop soon.
         I love making these little dresses!  And seeing them on a little princess just makes my day.  Notice my new model?  This new mannequin came in last night and I pretty pleased with my purchase.  While I absolutely never get tired of photographing my sweet Brooklynne she is quite the busy body which makes for   a very challenging shot!  But don't worry I'm sure I will be flooding this space with her contagious smile and button nose very soon!

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


         Hi and welcome to the new home of Ella Louise Clothing.   I am so excited about this time and it has been something that I have been dreaming about for a very long time.  
         Ella Louise was my extraordinarily talented grandmother.  She was a quilter, gardener, baker and an inspiration.  When I sit down at my sewing machine I can't help but think of her with a needle and thread making clothing or quilts or any thing else that was needed for her nine children.
         I have found a love for children's clothing since having by beautiful Brooklynne.  She has filled my mind with so many ideas and I love to see a dream come to life.  From the initial idea,  to searching for the perfect fabric and notions, then cutting every piece out and adding all the finishing details... I love it all.  In the next week or so I will have an online shop open with a link on this blog, I hope you find something that you like!  
        My hope for this blog is that it will be a creative space, a place for thoughts and ideas.  A place to try out something new without fear of the end result.  I will of course be sharing a lot of my children's clothing but also just my life along the way.  