Saturday, January 4, 2014


Today our little Brooklynne turns three. It sounds so cliche but I just can not believe how fast it has gone by. It feels like one moment we were longing to hold her as lamps kept her only four pound self warm and the next moment we are chasing her around and laughing at all the new things that come out of her mouth daily.
At three Brooklynne is one amazing little soul. She is kind, funny, sassy, and timid. She is a big daddy's girl, he is the first person she asks for when she wakes up. She has an intense love for her brothers already and is so protective over mommy. Art is her favorite followed very closely by singing and helping me in the kitchen. She could spend all day outside, especially if she is with her granddad (who will do anything she says).
I look at her and my heart swells. What an honor to raise this girl. To watch her thrive and grow into her own. To see her learning and grasping new things is truly a gift that I am determined not to take for granted.

To my sweet girl,
I can not begin to tell you how much I love you. My life would not be complete without you. You are one amazing little girl. Sometimes I just watch you in wonder. My favorite is watching you figure things out with a determination in your eyes, you do not like to give up and I admire that. You are a gentle soul that is always asking me if I am okay even if I just cough, may we all have a heart like yours. I can not leave out that spunky attitude of yours, often daddy and I are fighting back giggles as we have to get on to you. We are so proud of you dear and can not wait to see you blossom as you become a big sister. Happy birthday boos.

Mommy and daddy

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I'm So Proud of You



      About six months ago I began trying to potty train Brooklynne.  I didn't know where to begin and she had little to no interest.  After a frustrating few days we decided to give it a rest.  We tried to pick it up here and there in the following months, however, I must admit that being early on in my pregnancy I was lacking the energy and motivation.  
      A couple of weeks ago I noticed Brooklynne becoming more and more independent and acting more like the three year old that she will soon be and not so much like young two year old so I knew it was time.  To my surprise it came pretty easily for us!  Everything seemed to "click" for her.  We spent a few days at home and celebrated every potty.  When we did start going out I was super nervous and didn't want her to slip back into the ease of diapers but turns out she much prefers her big girl undies and let me know she only sleeps in pull ups....ummm okay kid!  
       After every potty I would look at her and say "I'm so proud of you Brooklynne" and she would grin ear to ear.  Since she pretty much goes on her own now I haven't told her that every time, but today she came up to me after going and says "I'm so proud of you mommy"... Yeah I melted and then grinned ear to ear.  Thank you my dear, we did it together.  


     I love the idea of a fresh start that a new year brings.  I am particularly excited about this year as we anticipate the birth of our boys next month.  I am big on resolutions and goals anytime but each new year I find myself meditating on where I want to see myself grow throughout the year.  As I have been thinking for the past week or so I keep coming back to simply being thankful and recognizing everything I have.  Jared and I truly are blessed but I must admit in stressful moments it is hard for me to acknowledge it.   So even though I have about one hundred goals for the new year I have to say the most important one to me is finding thankfulness daily.   