When I found out that I was having a girl when I was pregnant with Brooklynne my mind immediately began to daydream of all the things I would do with her. Teaching her to sew, crochet and knit . Making mud pies and having tea parties, there were so many things that I began looking forward to and it has been so fun to begin to do those things.
A few days ago Brooklynne and I had a date in the kitchen whipping up some Rice Krispy treats. Once I just came to terms that this was going to be a sticky mess we had a blast together; we even had to bust out some sprinkles! Watching her count each cup of cereal that she dumped in the bowl and sneak marshmallows was surreal because it was something that was only a dream a few short years ago.
The sweet, sticky treat wasn't her favorite to eat but she was beyond excited to deliver them to Grand dad and MeMe. She helped me wrap each square and filled a basket and then began to beg to take them to her grand parents house. How can you resist that!?
(ETA: This was during a small kitchen remodel, that's why the walls look so terrible!)
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