Monday, April 7, 2014

Taking Care of Myself

       Mothering three children has been a much smoother transition than I thought it would be.  I had expectations that I would be struggling and watching the clock for daddy to come home.  It has been anything but that; have there been hard days... YES! Incredibly hard.  But the thing is I absolutely love it.  I feel more like myself than I ever have, like I am really discovering who I am as a mother.
      However, one thing I noticed in the past two months is how easy it is as a mother not to take care of myself.  Before I know it it's 5 o'clock and all I've had to eat was a handful of goldfish and whatever Brooklynne left on her plate from lunch.  I learned pretty quickly that for me that isn't going to cut it.  I need regular showers and to nourish my body and mind.  
        I've been making an effort in the kitchen everyday for lunch and taking time to just sit for a few minutes at nap time instead of running around like a mad woman trying to complete every chore; if it doesn't get done it will still be there later.  I went and got a much needed hair cut too.  We took about 15 inches off and I felt so refreshed.  Also, I decided to join a gym.  Last night I went for the first time and as hard as it was to leave all of my babies I needed that hour to clear my head and feel good about myself.
          Brooklynne mimics everything I do and I watch her with her baby dolls pretending to be a mother.  I want to show her that as women it is so easy to put ourselves last but that we need to take care of ourselves too.  I came home last night with more energy and feeling good about myself... And realllllly sore haha!  
      I'll be sharing some of my easy, healthy lunches.  I've had a lot more energy since tweaking my diet.  

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